Access This Most Trusted Treatment for Spider Veins and Varicose Veins at Dr. T Med Spa
At Dr. T Med Spa.
Sclerotherapy is one of the foundations of our field of work, and it works on a simple principle: stimulating troublesome veins with a particular solution to cause them to close. Following this procedure, your body’s natural systems take over, gradually dissolving the treated veins and removing the ugly and branch-like look from your skin.
Rest assured that our team of specialists at Dr. T Med Spa will carry out the operation with maximum accuracy and little pain using sophisticated techniques. These techniques involve magnification, specialized lighting, and even ultra-fine needles that are smaller than those utilized in acupuncture.
At Dr. T Med Spa, we feel that sclerotherapy is one of the most effective ways to treat spider veins.
Today, we’re encouraging you to try Sclerotherapy at Dr T Med Spa and watch your appearance improve. Book an appointment for sclerotherapy near Houston, Texas, today!

What Is ScleroTherapy, And How Does It Work?
What is Sclerotherapy?
This is a simple office treatment that is mostly used to treat spider leg veins. Spider veins, also known as telangiectasias, are small purple as well as red blood vessels that often appear on women’s thighs or lower legs. They are genetic and can develop anywhere down the leg, from the highest point of the thigh down to the ankle.
Spider veins can also occur in other parts of the body, such as the chest, back, and face. Varicose veins are bigger. They might seem elevated with a blue hue and can be rather painful as compared to spider veins. Although spider and varicose veins are active in functions such as carrying blood, they are unnecessary and can be safely eliminated.
The specialists at Dr. T Med Spa are recognized as top experts when it comes to Sclerotherapy near Houston. Book an appointment with us and you won’t regret it!
How It Works.
Sclerotherapy was first introduced in the 1920s. During the procedure, a sclerosing solution is introduced into the vein using a small needle, causing little to no pain. The solution damages the vessel lining and progressively binds together, sealing off the vessel, and subsequently making it vanish. A normal treatment can take 15 to 20 minutes and include multiple shots.
Did you know that sclerotherapy can obviate the necessity for more intrusive surgical treatments? Do not hesitate to seek help for your spider veins or varicose veins. Experts at Dr. T Med Spa are eagerly waiting to help you. Call us for more information regarding sclerotherapy near Houston, Texas.
That One Can Expect After Undergoing Sclerotherapy Near Houston, Texas.
Expected Results
You should expect your spider veins to be significantly reduced, and the outcomes to improve for months after the procedure. You will notice results immediately after the first therapy session. We often recommend scheduling 2-3 more sessions for the best outcomes.
Benefits of sclerotherapy near Houston, Texas include:
No recovery time is required after treatment.
Non-invasive procedure for maximum results.
Enhances one’s overall appearance by eliminating spider veins.
Results are noticeable immediately after the initial session.
You may be certain that our team of specialists at Dr. T Med Spa is always willing to help you enhance your beauty and confidence. Remember, beauty is ageless, so schedule a consultation at our medical spa now to see whether our Spider Vein Treatment is your piece of cake.